Bingo Lingo is unlike any bingo you’ve played before. We’ve taken the game, thrown away the rules and updated it for the newest generation of party animals! Expect raves, on-stage dancing, twerking, tacky prizes, pocket-money, and utter chaos! The evening consists of 5 games of 3 bingo boards with terrible prizes to be won, and one strange mother-of-all-prizes at the end!

By |2024-09-26T08:52:04+01:00October 28, 2022||0 Comments

Lost Property

Lost Property:

We are not responsible for any belongings left at Depot, at any time.

If we find any lost property, it will be held in our lost property section in the Office, but it will still remain under the responsibility of the owner at all times.

At no time will we accept any responsibility or offer any form of compensation for items left abandoned in the venue.

Thanks for understanding, and please look after your personal belongings.

By |2018-01-24T17:14:17+00:00January 24, 2018||0 Comments
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