The Big Cardiff Flea Market
March 3, 2024 @ 11:00 am - 4:00 pm
The Big Flea is coming to DEPOT Cardiff on Sunday 3rd March. Imagine, a massive mid-century furniture market, with cool little bric-a-brac stalls thrown in the mix to make the perfect recipe for a proper lovely, super cool Indie Flea!! Then you can add in some plant stalls, and a good mix of vintage fashion (thanks to our sister company Judy’s Vintage) and a smattering of the best designer makers from around the UK. We’re looking for Vintage Furniture, homewares, fashion, crafts, designer makers, accessories, plants and Bric-a brac traders. Check out our insta grid @thebigfleamarket and you’ll see how busy our events have been in Leeds, York & London – traders are saying ours are the most profitable events right now!
We used to hold our Judy’s Vintage Fairs in Cardiff many moons ago, but our new concept Flea Markets have been so well received with numbers now exceeding 2000 customers at all of them – and our Cardiff Flea tickets are flying out – I really don’t think you’d be disappointed.
We’re now offering reduced prices on stalls with Table top stalls starting at £45, 2x2m at £60, 3m x 2m at £105, 4m x 2m at £125 and 6m x 2m at £140. If you would like to trade at The Big Cardiff Flea then please fill out this new trader form https://judysvintagefair.
See you there.